Number of Targeted WebPages |
5 Pages |
10 Pages |
15 Pages |
20 Pages |
30 Pages |
Number of Targeted Keywords |
10 Keywords |
25 Keywords |
30 Keywords |
40 Keywords |
50 Keywords |
Keyword Research and Analysis |
Meta Tags Creation and Optimization |
Sitemap Creation (Static and Dynamic) |
Google Analytics Setup and Monitoring |
Manual Search Engine Submission |
Manual Directory Submission |
200 |
250 |
300 |
500 |
700 |
Link Exchange (One way + Reciprocal) |
10 |
15 |
25 |
30 |
Article Creation and Submission |
2 article/75 domains |
7 articles/100 domains |
10 articles/150 domains |
12 articles/200 domains |
15 articles/250 domains |
Press Release Creation & Distribution |
1 content/20 domains |
1 content/30 domains |
2 contents/40 domains |
2 contents/60 domains |
3 contents/75 domains |